How are you all? Wow! I'm so happy to be writing you. How weird is it that this is the second to last email I'll write home.....I thought this time would never come and now it's just around the corner. Have to admit, super excited to see you all.
Anyways, this week has been a whirlwind. It's passed by quick. Okay, here are some of the highlights...
Friday night there was a youth fireside. It was all about the mission and how the mission effects us in different stages of our lives. It was awesome. It started off with a young priest who told of his desires to serve and how he is going to make it possible. Then, the 2 Elders spoke about the mission life then I had to talk for about 5 minutes about what I have learned from the mission, my testimony and my hopes for after the mission. Then, they had 2 recently RM's share their thoughts, a 50 year old High Priest from the ward talked about how serving a mission has helped him in his life and then the Bishop spoke. It was a way good fireside. I really enjoyed it and I think all the youth did too. I love it because alot of the young woman in this ward have strong desires to serve!
Okay. Saturday we had an interesting experience. We went to Magali's house. Our 12 year old progressing investigator who has come to church a few times and was going to be baptized this week. She came out and said she wasn't able to talk with us because her grandparents were there and they didn't like the mormon church. So, we were just chatting with her outside and all of a sudden her grandma came and was like can you guys come in and talk to my husband? We were like sure. I was totally naive and thought oh sweet, we can teach them both! Um, that definitely wasn't the case. we sat down and Magalis grandpa started off by saying how he and his whole family are Roman Catholic and how we are brain washers, devil worshippers and don't believe in Christ. Wow. seriously, I just felt so sad while talking to him. We tried to explain but he was def hard in heart and didn't want to listen. It's so sad when these youth have testimonies but because of the "tradition of their fathers" aren't able to progress like they would like to. It's sad. But, I know that we are planting seeds and one day when Magali is a bit older she'll be able to choose for herself.
Um, let's see. This last Ttuesday I got my Valentines package! Thank you mom!!! I laughed when I saw the new skirt! I have like three weeks to wear it! But, igual no's cute! PS, loved those cute little 100 calorie pack pop tarts. Yay.
Yesterday was a special day at church because we got a new bishopric. the bishop, Bishop Grau had been bishop here in Amambay for over 12 years. Yes, TWELVE YEARS!! I can't even imagine! But, I know the new Bishop and his counselors will do great. I think change is an exciting, good thing.
We are teaching Cynthias friendMmonica. I'm not sure if i wrote about her or not. But okay, she's great. She's 17 years old and will be getting baptized on the 26th of this month. She is really gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon. And yesterday when we taught her she said the closing prayer and asked Heavenly Father to help her prepare for her baptism! I love when investigators pray for things specifically like that! It shows me they really have the desire and are serious about it.
I feel like I have felt so many different emotions this past week. From completing 18 months on the mission to being called a brain washer to finding some awesome people and seeing inactive families who we have been visiting with return to's been a roller coaster ride for sure!
I know this church is true. I am grateful for my time to serve the Lord as a full time missionary. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon. Even though prophets in the ancient times wrote it, it's for us. I am grateful for the opportunity to read and study this book each day because through this book I have come to personally know my Savior and better recognize His hand in my life and in the lives of others on a daily basis. I know President Monson is a prophet in these latter days. I am so looking forward to general conference! It's soon!
The gospel is true! And seriously brings such happiness to our lives when we live by its teachings!
Me, Hermana Paipa y Herman Lewis at church yesterday.....we didn't even notice it but everyone was like oh you sisters are dressed like the Paraguayan, white and blue! (and the US too).
So we had to take a pic. Funny.
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